Optimisation of the purchasing process

How can the purchasing process be optimised with a solution that allows you to go, from a days-long period of management, to having it solved in less than 24 hours?

The purchasing process can be tedious for companies, customers, and suppliers alike. It generates many tasks, and it is a process in which information circulates between many people.

Surely you have experienced having to validate, approve, and collate data, all while not having a clear procedure or suitable technology these tasks.

With Atecna’s help, you will optimize the process and see how, what used to take days, can now be done in hours:

Optimise the process and reduce time and effort.

Eliminate errors caused by manual work.

Integrate all the documentation of the purchasing process.

Have immediate access to your documents.

Improve invoice traceability.

Achieve an agile and optimised purchasing process in 5 steps

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Internal purchasing request

We implement our technology the moment a user makes an internal request for approval.

Purchase order generation

Once approved by the responsible person, the purchase order is generated in the ERP. This data will be very valuable for subsequent matching and flow automation.

Receipt of documentation

You have received the product or service, and the supplier delivers the following documentation:

  • Delivery note: it is digitalized and the data is extracted from the lines, the matching with the purchase order begins, the data starts to flow digitally.

  • Invoice: no matter the format or the origin, we will automatically match data from the order, delivery notes and the invoice itself, if everything is okay, the accounting will be launched automatically. Days become hours.

Business Rules

SID will apply the necessary business rules and the process will run its course with the verification and activation of the approval flow. RPA technology at the service of the company.

ERP Integration

Now it´s happening. Once the invoice is approved, it integrates directly with your company’s ERP. The next step: automatic accounting through SID integration and interoperability technology.

Looking to optimise your procurement process?

Take a look at our consultancy and implementation methodology, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.